Dec 19, 1997

Suppression of the Rabi oscillations in a cavity partially filled with a dielectric having a time-dependent refractive index

In this paper the dynamics of wave fields in a cavity, part of which is filled with a dielectric, are investigated. The wave equation is solved approximately using the method of multiple time scales. Phase modulations of the cavity modes in an adiabatic case are given up to the first order. A simple effective field Hamiltonian operator is derived and then used to analyze the interaction of radiation with a two-level atom passing through the cavity. Corrections to the Rabi oscillations due to the time-dependent frequency of the cavity photons are investigated. It is shown that adiabatic time dependence of the refractive index of the dielectric can lead to suppression of the Rabi oscillations of atomic inversion.

Physical Review A 57, 5016 (1998)

Jun 16, 1997

Radiative decay of Trojan wave packets

Zofia Bialynicka-Birula and Iwo Bialynicki-Birula

We calculate the decay rates due to spontaneous emission for electronic states described by Trojan wave packets. The spontaneous decay rate for a typical Trojan state (n=60) is six orders of magnitude smaller than the ionization rate and it is about one order of magnitude smaller than the rate for the corresponding ordinary circular Rydberg state.

Phys. Rev. A 56, 3623 (1997)

Feb 6, 1997

Band of localized electromagnetic waves in random arrays of dielectric cylinders

Marian Rusek, Arkadiusz Orłowski, and Jan Mostowski

Anderson localization of electromagnetic waves in random arrays of dielectric cylinders is studied. An effective theoretical approach based on analysis of probability distributions, not averages, is developed. The disordered dielectric medium is modeled by a system of randomly distributed two-dimensional electric dipoles. Spectra of certain random matrices are investigated and the appearance of the band of localized waves emerging in the limit of an infinite medium is discovered. It suggests deeper insight into the existing experimental results.

Phys. Rev. E 56, 4892 (1997)